Wednesday 30 May 2012

The signs

The signs of a cheating boyfriend
The signs of a lieing dad
The signs of your child on drugs
The signs of your friend in an abusive relationship
The signs that your sister is slipping away or in trouble
The signs of the world ending
The signs that God is real
The signs of a broken relationship

We often wonder where it all went wrong, what we shulda,coulda,woulda....but lets be honest with ourselves, we knew when it all began, we just chose to ignore or deny.

Lets Educate ourselves, be informed and stop denying...when he stopped calling you, was when he lost interest.

Stop wondering or making excuses; and see the signs being layed out for you. Wake up from the forest of delusion, feel the harsh wind on your cheeks and find your way out into reality

Finally, sow a seed of comfort into someones life, it might be money, your time, or your words, however little, it grows into a tree of happiness.

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