Monday 7 May 2012


AM ALMOST CERTAIN THAT 90% OF PEOPLE LIE ON THEIR CV.... With jobs scarcity, and increase in the population, its no wonder people gatta do what they gatta do to get that job. I find myself applying for jobs that are am over qualified for, or i even try my luck in jobs that i know am sooooo underqualified for. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO?, WHO DO YOU SLEEP WITH?, WHO DO YOU TALK TO?, WHO DO YOU HAVE TO ADD AS A FACEBOOK FRIEND OR FOLLOW ON TWITTER?. Even the graduates work in, talk less of people that didnt get a degree. Whats the point of a degree, when what the employer is looking for is experience.. OMFD!!......, you gain experience by learning on the job, right?. It seems like the employers wanna save money by employing people that are already trained, so they dont waste time, which is money training your baby ass. Is it ok to lie on your CV?, as long as you can back it up, then when you get the job you can then train yourself by googleing the job descriptions and youtube the "how to dos". Am tired of applying for a stupid job, and they ask me to write about myself,, really????, am just gonna "copy and paste" what i said for the last 200 different jobs i applied for. KMT. You will get to know me better, when i come for interview and show case myself alot better. Should i go on on benefits, or use my body for money, or sleep with someone famous, whatever stupid quick money scam there are, should i??? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, MR PRIME MINISTER. Now that i have blogged out my frustration, i can now go back to applying for jobs, and use my last £20 to buy an item online to keep me smiling. ahhhhh!! LOL Ovi saks wardrobe stylist/ creative director LIKE the page on facebook...

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