Monday 22 October 2012

Upgraded Thoughts

Am starting to understand the purpose for the hard times.

Recently, I changed my way of praying to God; rather than ask for the hardship to be taken away, I ask for strength to fight.

FIGHT: It is the core reason we are alive, because we fought yesterday and will fight today; whether you believe or not, you understand that in life, there is light and dark, night and day, up and down; we accept this happenings, so why do we not accept that hardship is part of our earthly lives???. Treat the issue like a partner, like every other relationship, it is there for a reason:

Accept it: Accepting it means that you are aware of its presence, and its the first step in dealing with it.

Analyse: Analyse its purpose in your life, believe it or not, God allowed it to happen, so it can serve a purpose in your life; (Remember God does not give you what you cant handle).

Understand: Understand why its there, why it keeps coming back?, where it comes from?, who brings it?, and how to deal with it.

Control: Get a hold of yourself, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel (cheesy but sooo true) whilst the bitch of a problem is there, deal with it until its time to say goodbye. The night is as faithful as the day, your good times are inevitable.

The only time when life stops, is when you stop fighting. Fight the good fight of life.

 styled by

Friday 14 September 2012


Today I pay homage to the wonderful leather jacket.

With every outfit, you look sophisticated and hawt.
Even for a timid being, you bring out the confidence, courage and power we all have deep within.
We have love for the way you go with every skin complexion, weight size and character.

For the professor with glasses to man on the bike, its you O leather jacket that shines through, you are a must have in every wardrobe, and a dime piece.


Sunday 9 September 2012

Ovi says....

Playing the dare game......
I dare myself more often, because i know it brings courage, courage builds confidence, confidence is a good motivator, motivate yourself to success.

Recently been looking at my achievements in life, trying to figure out why I have succeeded in some things and lost in others, the truth is i have lost more than i have gained, (wish I could say the same for my weight). knowing who I am, I start to panic and rush to do things to help me get back on the right track, but rushing only means i have not thought about it properly, and its probably not what my heart wants.

 My heart, I find is a slow speaker, i wish it would speak up quicker, louder and more often; but it never changes. I am learning NOT to live for the moment, its quite stupid to squeeze years of ones life into less than a second because YOLO.

If you can be slow to anger, you be richer in happines/peace
Have patience as a virtue, because every gift has its reward
Teach others how to love by your actions and words, so that them to will do the same, and it will keep on going.


Friday 29 June 2012

La Sape aka Sapologie.

Asides from the usual imagery we get from the country Congo, the Sapologie culture brings a 
colorful touch. I am a fashion lover, and a believer that fashion knows no limit, it is what you 
make of it; therefore i had to talk about the fashion culture which has really got my interest lately. 
With the Congo independence coming up, comes a lot of parties. We look forward to the 
food,drinks, dance and friends, but most of all, we look forward to the fashion. It is the 
ingredient for the creative, colorful and vibrant ambiance.

The Sapologie culture is similar to the dandy culture of the 60s and 80s.

The sapologie culture has its roots from the need to look good, trending from the best DESIGNER clothing, accessories and shoes, you can somewhat say its become a competition.

Though its a natural desire to look good in the Congolese society, there's a certain minority who have created this sapologie culture as a means to show off their latest designer (and yes! ONLY DESIGNER, nothing else can stand the battle).. Its a full effort they make on their outfits; and the reward is the recognition/acknowledgement from the general public. They parade 
around at concerts, parties and even on a day out just to the shops!. They like to go to the extremes with their fashion from high end fashion to copying what celebrities wear. 

There was a recent trend in the sapologie world of leaving the designer tag on your clothes and showing it off instead of putting it inside or cutting it off like normal people do. It was a way for them to try show that their garments were real and to show everyone what designer they were wearing. Some even wore their clothes inside out! depending on how much you have or how 
much designer you can get. 

Sapologie can even extend to the hood/ slums where one who has more designer or latest stuff can show off to his friends even though they may be starving, some prefer to look good. So it 
goes from small scale to the full blown large scale where the rich are. They like color, unique styles, matching items.

Though some styles are extreme, creativity is key! The weird and unique it looks, the better.

The sad fact is, some people cant afford this culture, and in some circumstance, people will sacrifice food for their family or steal to get the outfits; also buy fake china products.

"I admire the sapologie culture, & the glamorous side of africa it represents. It gets to show that no matter the circumstance, if you look good on the outside, you automatically feel good on the 
inside; its probably less important than food or shelter, but the idea is that fashion opens your creative thinking, which shows you that you are able to create a light in any dark situation"...Ovi saks

Thanks to my source..Carlette, Aldy, Dika.

Thursday 21 June 2012

So fly...

 So fly by Elle Varner
Was listening to this, and thought of you

stop with the ifs, and could be better.

enjoy you.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Pain is Good

Was reading this article on a girl that could not feel pain, the medical terminology is Congenital Insensitivity to pain. CIP
I read the first line, "girl with rare disorder, cant feel pain"; I thought to myself, that's lucky, that's one disorder i would not mind having, but as i read along, i decided to take back what i said.
Pain is the way your body tells you that there is something wrong, and if the nerve that transfers this information is not working properly, then your body cannot react properly, therefore patients with CIP are most likely to not notice infections, illness, disease and other biological problems.

Got me thinking, if our body needs pain to react, that means, pain is part of the survival process; Therefore, rather than wish pain away, we should ask for strength in dealing with pain. By overcoming our pain, our body gets stronger, our antibodies become better at fighting bacteria.

Pain is a normal process, If pain wasn't necessarily, Christ would not have gone through all that nailing on the cross milaki just to save us.

Its not your pain that matters, its how you deal with it. xxx

Thursday 14 June 2012

God Blogs: A quick word.

Just a quick word.

When you ask, you will receive.

*By lowering your expectations, You are loosing your faith in God and telling God that he is not capable of blessing you with great things, your also telling him that he is not all knowing, all powerful. Aim high, Your God is not low.

*You success is connected to your neighbor`s success, STOP praying for just your success in home and inner circle, enlarge your circle. Start praying for your neighbor, your president, your local business man, the man in the blue suit, the single mother next door etc. When one man opens a company, he opens job opportunities to people, When the woman becomes rich, she donates to various charities. We are all connected to our success. so help me help you.

*Be the change you want to see in your community. If you think your government are criminals, then stop getting involve with fraud. Be an example, it catches on. ;o)

*Challenge what you think you know before you pass judgment. Be very analytic in every situation, sometimes, the meaning goes deeper.

*Avoid looking like a fool, think before you speak

*Lastly, BE YOU, nothing is more satisfying.


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Sell You!!!

Its the honest truth, that wherever you go, before people get to know your personality, they judge you by the cover of your book. Is it sad, nope!, i find it quite interesting, because, i am a creative person, i love creating different looks on various occasions, so my presentation/look has become part of me.

Before you you pick up a new product, you read the ingredients, manufacturers guide, presentation, packaging etc.

Product: Ovi saks

Contents: Hardworking, Positiveness, Honesty, Creativity and good sense of Humour

Storage: store on a warm happy place, preferably The Maldives, Mauritius

Manufactured in Africa

Made by God

Purpose of product: Serve God, Party and create a positive impact.

Not suitable for Idiots, snubs, liers and haters.

Packaging is funky and playful.
For more of from this product, visit: .xxx

Thursday 7 June 2012

Trying to be me in this stupendously fake world.

We get so caught up with what we shoud look like, that we forget what we are like. When you find yourself struggling with what you are doing, its Not for you, which has taken me so long to grasp, but i think i am one step closer.
I have worked in loads of jobs, and tried and experimented with a whole lot. I have pretended to like a job and even convinced my brain that I am enjoying it.

No matter how much you mix oil an water, it just doesnt mix, i tried that experiment too (hehe).

I am comfortable with who i am and sometimes it takes me a long time to comprehend my tools and hows to use them, I sometimes require a manual eg my bible, education, internet or word of advice.

What am trying to say is, its soooooo much easier doing you, its sometimes challenging and confusing, but when it becomes enjoyable and the headaches that come with it doesnt matter anymore, then you know you are seating on your throne.

Photographer: Elizabeth A
Model: Helena M
Wardrobe Stylist: Ovi saks aka Miss Confibounce.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

The signs

The signs of a cheating boyfriend
The signs of a lieing dad
The signs of your child on drugs
The signs of your friend in an abusive relationship
The signs that your sister is slipping away or in trouble
The signs of the world ending
The signs that God is real
The signs of a broken relationship

We often wonder where it all went wrong, what we shulda,coulda,woulda....but lets be honest with ourselves, we knew when it all began, we just chose to ignore or deny.

Lets Educate ourselves, be informed and stop denying...when he stopped calling you, was when he lost interest.

Stop wondering or making excuses; and see the signs being layed out for you. Wake up from the forest of delusion, feel the harsh wind on your cheeks and find your way out into reality

Finally, sow a seed of comfort into someones life, it might be money, your time, or your words, however little, it grows into a tree of happiness.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Cool effect..Blue and Metallic

Blue and Silver, the two colours that Best represent the word COOL!!.

My mood board. The blue effect with a metallic touch.

Ovi Saks..

Friday 18 May 2012

Is it true that your looks opens alot of doors?

Is it true that your looks opens alot of doors?.
The song says, "Loving you is easy, because your beautiful", does that include hiring you, or giving you what you want for free??

A lady walked into a job opening day for a blue chip company, she knew she didnt meet the job description, and she was under underqualified for the position, but she wanted to perform an experiment.
The 5.7, Size 10, curvaseously built, DD lady walked into the well established marble building in the heart of canary wharf London. She was dressed in her white silk, fitted shirt, nicely ironed with sharp edges; underneath was her black pencil skirt, which hugged her well. her make up was immaculate, she glossed her lips, to give a perky effect.

she had read the job description properly, researched and was going to blag her way through the interview. she revised in her head, again and again the lies she had composed on her CV.

the interview began approx 10.15am

Lasted for two hours, at the end of the interview, the female interviewer said to her, am sorry, we cant offer you the position, but we are willling to take you on for a lower position...

The lady agreed and went for the lower position, after six month of working with the company, she was promoted to the role she originally applied for.

Was it her looks?
Or how she blagged her way through the interview?
Was it because it was an opening, and they were willing to train anyone?
Did they just admire her enthusiam or her figure?

True story..

Thursday 17 May 2012

Ovi saks, miss saks if you nasty....

I count myself as one of the lucky ones, because I have a very creative mind, I am able to see more in an "ordinary" image or see the beauty in something everyone consider as ugly. I love the unsual and hate cliches. I love variety and getting out the box. I love creating a great contrast with colours & patterns. No matter what i do, i always preach the gospel of Confidence.
In God i trust...
LIKE Confibounce on Facebook.
Follow the blog.......miss

Tuesday 15 May 2012

As summer hits london, we definately looking for the hot spots to go to, the great barbeques and of course, the amazing fashions.
This summer, try working with different patterns and colours.
*colour blocking
*aztec prints
*African print/ankara
*Big/chunky accesories

Enjoy summer, but also enjoy the opportunities to try on great outfits.
Look great in every direction.

Ovi Saks
Wardrobe stylist.

Saturday 12 May 2012

S E X..theres more..

The moment you have sex, you change, your thoughts change, your confidence changes, the way you talk or walk changes. theres a sence of innocence that is lost.. and you cant get it back.
Sex is great, its the only physical connection that combines our bodies and literally makes us one; who you becoming one with?......

The beauty of sex is lost because we no longer see it as intimacy.Intimacy is the creation of a shared sacred space between individuals that is built upon mutual respect and care.
sex is a good feeling,(well sometimes), but it goes deeper than that. When you have sex with someone, you invite someone into your space , and when you let your guard down, you become vulnurable. physical closeness and affection and other good feelings you get when you have sex can cause you to become attached to your sexual partners more than you would have done if you weren't having sex, so it can be more upsetting for you if the relationship splits.

Am not asking you to do this or do that. so ill keep it short and simple....

When you decide to have sexual intercourse, get to know him/her before connecting.
Its not just sex...theres more.

Thursday 10 May 2012

I love my big belly

How can you say your original when you trying to imitate someones elses look?

STOP lieing to yourself, claiming your comfortable in your own skin, but when someone talks about your flaw, your get upset.

Why is it, only when you look at the magazine or when you have a boyfriend or when you go out on a girls night, that you realize, you need to change your appearance?, who you changing for, your self or others?

If everyone looked the same, gosh it be such a boring world, and i guaratee you, nobody will be attracted to one another anymore.

He/She is with you, because you are not another, you are you.

We recognise our flaws to easily, and forget the beauty of having life

Kick the devil off your shoulder and let the angel have a bigger voice

Celebrate your flaws, it keeps you interested about your self. if you where perfect, what else is there to do?

People see pass your so called "flaws" when you put on the robe of confidence.

i love my talking belly and will miss it when its gone, but for now, i refuse to let it get me down and its a reminder of where my child laid for 9 months.

Stop looking to the future, its not promised. You are living at the present time, so live

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sweets and trends (my inspiration today)

I love my fashion but most of all i love my sweets.. cakes, chocolate, sweets, biscuits, they all sound good to my ears and dance in my mouth. So today my blog is dedicated to fashion and food. I love healthy foods aswell, i have no problem with vegetables or anything edible. If its GOOD, its GOOD.

                                Todays inspiration for my fashion is Food....
think Meredith Wendell bag mix with a grn jacket, go for green earthy look
think green vegetables

Cup cakes are cute and scrumtious with the icing on the top.
this dress is cute and sexy and has a playful and summer look, just like our cupckaes.
Bridal cakes are classy, long and delicious.Its always the center piece

Grab attention with this maxi dress it is,elegant, long and sophisticated.

<3 this.comfy, easy and look funky.

Banana are energetic snacks, easy to peel &eat & is a good source of energy

1 word...YUM
2 words..YUM YUM!



The Loui Vuitton S/S 12 fashin show was filled with pascale colours, a merry-go-round and lights.

It reminded me of going to the funfair, the fun rides and the lovely spring summer cone ice creams.

Look for inspirations every where and create your style. Confibounce. Check-out!/Confibounce and like the page.

Ovi saks, the stylist/creative director.  xxx

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Beyonce ticked all the boxes with this lace ombre dress, MARC JACOBS
*No accesories, the dress needs none
*simple hair style, again the dress speaks for itself, it needs no assistants
*she even found a great spot to take the pic, alone!

Wonder what shoe she wore with it, or did she go bare feet????
well done to her entourage and fashion stylist.

You say African print, I say AN-KA-RA

Am celebrating the fact that the world , especially the fashion industry, has recognised the beauty that comes from africa, which is the African print. This style has taken the fashion industry by storm, and we are seeing the print every where, from high streets, to the top designers. Thats why i love fashion, it knows no background, boundaries or money. FASHION IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT.
From the Market in Ikotun, Lagos Nigeria Africa.
To the runway in London,Burberry Spring/Summer collection.
To the online stores. Asos, etc
High streets are doing it..Aldo shoes
And the celebrities are sure rocking it.

Fashion Junkie GAGA!

The african print is so in season now, every where you go, people are rocking it, whilst this is exciting and admirable, we all know that fashion changes, so whats in today is out tommorow. The top designers have taken an idea, and made their beautiful clothing from this style that has lived for centuries and still exist firmly in africa.Its colourful,vibrant, comes in differnt patterns.It reflects who we are, where we come from and our ever green home. Whilst this is just a seasonal treat for fashion. AN-KA-RA is our (africans) way of life.
After all si said and done, Mrs Iyabo Balogun that knows no fashion, will still carry her bag and go to the market in her Ira and Buba aka African print....ORIGINAL AFRICAN

Monday 7 May 2012

Different types of good looking.

There are different kinds of beauty, the fake, the natural and the unknown. In Gods eyes everyone is beautiful, and i believe so too. some people you might have to search had, and some just use a mask to make themselves beautiful. Some people look good with make up, some should be better natural.
ELEGANT "HOW YOU DOIN!" for the women of a particular age