Thursday 14 June 2012

God Blogs: A quick word.

Just a quick word.

When you ask, you will receive.

*By lowering your expectations, You are loosing your faith in God and telling God that he is not capable of blessing you with great things, your also telling him that he is not all knowing, all powerful. Aim high, Your God is not low.

*You success is connected to your neighbor`s success, STOP praying for just your success in home and inner circle, enlarge your circle. Start praying for your neighbor, your president, your local business man, the man in the blue suit, the single mother next door etc. When one man opens a company, he opens job opportunities to people, When the woman becomes rich, she donates to various charities. We are all connected to our success. so help me help you.

*Be the change you want to see in your community. If you think your government are criminals, then stop getting involve with fraud. Be an example, it catches on. ;o)

*Challenge what you think you know before you pass judgment. Be very analytic in every situation, sometimes, the meaning goes deeper.

*Avoid looking like a fool, think before you speak

*Lastly, BE YOU, nothing is more satisfying.


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